Each Spring we have a few Rose-breasted Grosbeaks (Pheucticus ludovicianus) that stop by for a quick snack from our bird feeders before they continue on their way north to their breeding grounds. They are usually here for a week or less.
Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) usually “rule the roost” at our bird feeders. They manage to chase off the smaller birds and help themselves to the sunflower seeds, This Cardinal was quite surprised to encounter a strange-looking competitor at the feeder. First they faced off in a bill-to-bill staring match.
The Cardinal tried some intimidation with spread wings and open beak. The Grosbeak was undaunted and sent the Cardinal packing. Round one to the Grosbeak!
The Cardinal then tried an aerial attack, but this was stoutly resisted by the Grosbeak, who refused to vacate its perch.
This time the Cardinal left for good. Round two and the match to the Grosbeak!