Field Guides

Listed below are some of the printed sources we use to identify and learn more about things we photograph. Many of our identifications are made by flipping through the pages of various books, including the ones listed below. When we find a likely candidate, we can do a search for it on the internet to find if our initial identification is correct and to get more information. We also consult with experts when we are stumped. For example, Dr. James K. Adams, Dalton State University, has been very helpful with moth identification.

Amphibians and Reptiles:
Amphibians and Reptiles of Georgia, John B. Jensen, Carlos D. Camp, Whit Gibbons, University of Georgia Press, 2008
Beetles of Eastern North America, Arthur V. Evans, Princeton University Press, 2014
Birds: There are many excellent field guides. The ones we happen to use the most are:
Field Guide to the Birds of North America, Jon L. Dunn, Jonathan Alderfer, National Geographic, 2011
The Sibley Guide to Birds, David Allen Sibley, Knopf, 2000
The Sparrows of the United States and Canada, James D. Rising, Academic Press, 1996
Butterflies of North America, Jim P. Brock & Kenn Kaufman, Houghton Mifflin, 2003
Caterpillars of Eastern North America, David L. Wagner, Princeton University Press, 2005
Peterson Field Guide to Moths, David Beadle, Seabrook Leckie, Houghton Mifflin, 2012
North American Mushrooms, Orson K. Miller, Hope H. Miller, Falcon Guides, 2006
Common Spiders of North America, Richard A. Bradley, Illustrated by Steve Buchanan, University of California Press, 2013
Trees of Georgia and Adjacent States, Claud L. Brown, L. Katherine Kirkman, Timber Press, 2000
Wildflowers of Tennessee, Jack B. Carman, Highland Rim Press, 2001



Field Guides — 4 Comments

  1. Hello,
    I’d like to request permission to use one of your box turtle photographs(duly credited) in a program I’m preparing in collaboration with the U. of North Carolina, Greensboro. Could you reply to me via email and I’ll provide further details and indicate the photo of interest. Thank you.

  2. Hi, I am presenting a lecture which includes Hickories/ and their species. I would love to use some of your images of the flowers – is that possible if I credit you all. Its a powerpoint lecture.

    • Sorry for late answer, health problem, of course I approve of your using my photos. If you need high-res copies, let die know.GK

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