Anyone who has been around me very long will know that I really like American Bison (Bison bison), or as they are more commonly called “buffalo”. I will drive long distances out of the way to see them. I have always wanted to get some buffalo of my own, and this year I decided to buy some buffalo.
To get the buffalo, I had to go on line, since travel and interaction is severely limited because of the corona virus. I was pleased to see that one can order buffalo on line quite easily.
Now one thing that everyone has told me is that you need a very strong fence to contain buffalo. They might charge right through an ordinary fence.

So I rounded up a few friends, and this weekend we walled off a portion of my land. Everyone agreed that this fence ought to be sturdy enough.
Now that the fence was finished, I was ready to order buffalo. I was very surprised to find that on line buffalo were listed in a variety of sizes. The following sizes were available: tiny, small, regular, large, x large, and xx large.
I don’t really know that much about buffalo, so to be conservative, I ordered a couple of tiny ones.

The “tiny” ones were really small. In fact they came by regular mail.
This was not good, so next time I ordered one in the “regular” size.

The regular ones were delivered by truck, and they seemed to be about the right size, so I ordered some more to make a herd.
I was quite happy with my regular buffalo, but something kept gnawing away in my mind. What would an x large or xx large buffalo be like? I could not leave it alone, so I finally ordered one of the largest sizes (xx large).
I was anxiously waiting on the day scheduled for delivery. I was outside when I heard the unmistakeable chuk-chuk-chuk sound of an approaching helicopter.

WOW! That is an extra, extra large buffalo!

I’m really glad I built such a strong fence!
Thanks!! I always enjoy your posts
This is sooo funny I was three quarters through the article thinking (WTH so glad we moved ) when I remembered the date. You got me. We are sequestered on Walton Creek Drive in Athens This made me laugh for sure!
Daddy!! This is a great one!!!
Love your good sense of humor!
During this time of a crisis of which I have never before witnessed, your acquiring the buffalo gave me a laughter that I needed. Thank you.